These internal regulations are established in accordance with publications L6352-3, L6352-4, L6352-5, and R6352-1 to R6352-15 of the Labor Code.
The internal regulations apply to all training actions organized by Joey My Coach and to all trainees, for the duration of the training attended.
A copy is provided to each trainee.
The regulations define hygiene and safety rules, general and permanent rules concerning discipline, as well as the nature and scale of sanctions that may be taken against trainees who contravene them and the procedural guarantees applicable when a sanction is envisaged. Everyone must respect the terms of these regulations throughout the duration of the training action.
Prevention of accidents and illnesses is imperative and requires everyone to comply with:
To this end, the general and specific safety instructions in force within the organization, where they exist, must be strictly observed under penalty of disciplinary sanctions. In the context of distance learning, it is imperative to comply with the hygiene and safety rules of the location where the training is conducted, particularly the trainee’s company.
The training organization cannot be held responsible for incidents or accidents occurring remotely during training hours, especially those related to the use of computer tools and the internet.
The introduction or consumption of drugs or alcoholic beverages on the premises is strictly prohibited. Trainees are prohibited from entering or staying on the training organization’s premises in a state of intoxication or under the influence of drugs.
A trainee who is a victim of an accident - occurring during training or during travel time between the training location and their home or workplace – or who witnesses such an accident must immediately inform the training organization’s management. The training organization’s management takes appropriate steps for care and notifies the relevant Social Security office.
In the context of the fight against the coronavirus, preventing virus transmission relies on the application of barrier gestures and social distancing of at least one meter. In general, movements in the premises will be limited, as well as gatherings in common areas, except during designated times by the organization, such as during breaks, for example.
Entry is planned while respecting social distancing with floor markings.
Before being attended to by the organization’s staff, hand sanitizer is provided at the entrance, with mandatory hand disinfection.
Movements in common areas must be done with masks on.
The maximum number of people per classroom is limited.
Classrooms are arranged to respect the required distancing. You must remain in the same place for the entire duration of the training.
The premises are disinfected after each working day.
In general, we prioritize equipment for single-person use as much as possible. This is not always possible, so for equipment for communal use, hands must be disinfected before each use. Hand sanitizer is installed at the building entrance, at the entrance of each training room, at the building exit, and near each communal equipment.
Trainees must adhere to the schedules set and communicated in advance by the training organization. Non-compliance with these schedules may result in sanctions. Except in exceptional circumstances, trainees cannot be absent during training hours.
In case of absence, lateness, or departure before the scheduled time, trainees must inform the training organization and justify their absence. The training organization immediately informs the sponsor (employer, administration, Fongecif, Region, Pôle emploi, etc.) of this event. Any event not justified by particular circumstances constitutes misconduct punishable by disciplinary action.
Furthermore, in accordance with Article R6341-45 of the Labor Code, the trainee - whose remuneration is covered by public authorities - is subject to a deduction from their training remuneration proportional to the duration of the absence.
The trainee must fill in the attendance sheet as the training progresses. They may be required to conduct a training assessment.
At the end of the training action, they receive a certificate of completion and a certificate of attendance to be submitted, as appropriate, to their employer/administration or to the organization financing the action.
The trainee must submit, as soon as possible, to the training organization the documents they must complete as a service provider (request for remuneration or coverage of training-related expenses; registration or entry into training certificates, etc.).
The trainee is invited to attend the organization dressed appropriately.
All trainees are required to behave in a manner that ensures respect for basic rules of etiquette, behavior in groups, and the smooth running of the training.
Unless specifically authorized by the training organization’s management, the use of training equipment is only allowed on the training premises and is exclusively reserved for training activities. Personal use of the equipment is prohibited.
The trainee is responsible for keeping the equipment entrusted to them for training in good condition. They must use it in accordance with its intended purpose and according to the rules provided by the trainer. The trainee must immediately report any equipment anomalies to the trainer.
Any breach by the trainee of any provision of these internal regulations may result in a sanction imposed by the training organization’s management or its representative.
Any conduct considered to be misconduct may, depending on its nature and seriousness, result in one or more of the following sanctions:
Fines or other financial penalties are prohibited.
The training organization’s management or its representative informs the trainee’s employer or the administration of the trainee employee and/or the stage sponsor of the sanction imposed.